Power Is Beauty
Power and status are, in a sense, indefinable energies.
Power, or status if you will, contains beauty. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger said, “Power is an aphrodisiac.” If a male is powerful enough, he can have any woman he wants. Where males are concerned, most studies conclude that status compensates for looks. The vice versa, significantly, is not true: unattractive women are not preferred, no matter how powerful they might be. For men, then, emblems of income and status make a huge difference in whether they will get laid or not, date or not, marry a beautiful woman or not. Thus, even here in the land of the free and the home of the brave, distinct levels of class exist.
My question is this: is power only an aphrodisiac? Is power only an emblem? Or does it contain some inherent quality that can be defined as beauty?
The power of status and the status of power float on a carpet of force. Power and status are, in a sense, indefinable energies. And this energy controls, influences, and persuades. Just as in physics, power alters, in some imperceptible way, the thoughts of those around it. In the same manner that love-energy is dynamism of tremendous efficacy, so also the energy of power/status, in its very intensity, affects those cerebral processes nearby.
Now think about it! Power is a force. So also, is beauty a force; a force that impacts, that persuades, that controls, that captures the minds and thoughts of those that come within its purview. Ergo, power is beauty, another form of beauty. Power is pure, raw beauty. Beauty without physical arrangement, but beauty, nonetheless. Where beauty is power physically projected and perceived, power is beauty bereft of mode. Beauty is the silhouette; power is the impulse or motif. Beauty is the articulation of power, but power is the presence behind beauty.
All that being said is it any wonder that power is an aphrodisiac?! Is it any wonder that power arouses desire, just as beauty does? It’s a turn-on. Power is the tumefying force of beauty — thus it not only arouses, but captivates, fascinates, enchants, excites and lures — just as beauty does. We worship it. We desire it. We want it. Just as though it was beauty itself. And this would explain much. The unattractive or ugly male with power is, for all intents and purposes, beautiful.
Ah! The power of power — the power of beauty. It makes one insatiable, for its very attainment satiates. It satisfies my longing to be god-like, to be one of the Nephilim, the beni ha elohim, “the sons of the gods.” Those offspring who built the Tower of Babel, who were the progeny of sexual conjugation with the daughters of mankind. Their multifid forms include: the emim, the “terrors”; the rephaim, the “weakeners”; the gibborium, the “giants”; the zamzummim, the “achievers.”
Beauty and power are a temptation to the best, the highest, the most beautiful — to eros. And eros is the driving force, the driving motive of mankind. The upward impetus — the impetus to be the most excellent. And mankind worships excellence in all its myriad structures.
Power, accordingly, is beauty.